Material – Raising the Level of Fashion Lover’s Understanding

To cook a delicious dish, it requires fresh – clean – new ingredients to have a beautiful outfit, it needs a harmonious combination of the following 3 factors: first, the material must be good, then the ingredients must be good. to the craftsmanship of the tailor and the mind of the designer. Different materials will give different looks even though the same design. Good materials combined with good workmanship will bring a product of quality that respects the wearer’s figure and is durable over time.

The material may not seem important, but for fashion lovers, the material of an outfit is like a cover to help them express their “me”. A typical example you may have encountered somewhere on the market, is also a design but why is it sold at different prices? Because the answer lies in the material, a beautiful fabric takes a lot of effort, time and materials to get, so the “surprisingly high” selling price is really worth the worker’s hard work. fabric.

Therefore, with designs up to millions of dollars, the material must have been carefully calculated and selected by the designer so that the outfit can be in the right form, showing the spirit of the outfit. the beauty of the wearer – a testament to the saying “beauty because of silk”. Lylia brings true “beauty” to women by the material – processing – design at a reasonable price commensurate with the value of the outfit and the value of the wearer.

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